The 1982 Annual Football Concert of the Virginia Glee Club was held October 29, 1982 in Old Cabell Hall, at the beginning of the Glee Club 1982-1983 season. The concert was conducted by Donald Loach, and the Washington and Lee Glee Club was the guest group, Gordon Spice conducting.
Washington and Lee Glee Club[]
- The Agincourt Song (Healey Willan (1880-1968))
- Repleti sunt omnes (Jacob Handl (1550-1591))
- Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Piece (John Rutter (b.1945))
- Maegdelein im Walde (Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904))
University of Virginia Glee Club[]
- Trinklied (Franz Schubert (1797-1828))
- Gasang der Geister Über den Wassern (Schubert) - Christopher Rossbach, pianist
The Glee Clubs Combined[]
- Deutsche Messe (Schubert) (Gordon Spice, conducting)
- Zum Gloria
- Zum Sanctus
- Nach der Wandlung
- Schlussgesang
Washington and Lee Glee Club[]
- She Is My Slender Small Love (Eric H. Thiman (1900-1975))
- Keep in the Middle of the Road (arr. Marshall Bartholomew (1885-1978))
- From Boston Harbor (arr. Bartholomew)
- W&L Swing (Robbins, Allen and Sheafe)
University of Virginia Glee Club[]
- An der Schönen Blauen Donau (Johann Strauss, Jr. (1825-1899))
- Songs Mein Grossmama Sang (mit apologies to Johannes) (Lloyd Pfautsch (b.1921)) -- Christopher Rossbach, pianist
- Fraulein Bo-Peep
- Jack und Jill
- Jack der Spratt
- Virginiana
Program courtesy of the collection of Donald Loach.