Virginia Glee Club Wiki
Virginia Glee Club Wiki

Charles Steele (May 5, 1857 - August 5, 1939)[1] was a member of the Claribel Club in 1875, and therefore one of the earliest known members of the Virginia Glee Club.

While at Virginia, Steele was a founding member of the rowing squad of the Rives Boat Club.[2] Graduating from the University of Virginia in 1878 with an M.A., Steele studied law at Columbia University Law School and practiced law for several years as a partner in Seward, Guthrie & Steele until he was invited to join J.P. Morgan Company in 1889 as a partner. He was on the board of dozens of corporations, and was renowned for his philanthropy, including a $5 million donation to St. Thomas Church in New York City to found a choir school for boys, a donation to St. Paul's Memorial Church in Charlottesville that secured the land on which the church now stands,[3] and several gifts to the University, including a $100,000 bequest on his death.[4] He maintained an interest in music, studying organ with T. Tertius Noble and installing an Aeolian organ in his residence in Westbury, NY (his townhouse in New York City already having had one installed by the prior owners).[5]

