The 1983 Virginia Glee Club Concert at Washington National Cathedral was held October 30, 1983 at Washington National Cathedral as part of the Sunday worship service. The Glee Club, conducted by Donald Loach, performed a selection of Renaissance works as a choral prelude as part of the Glee Club 1983-1984 season.
- Hodie Nobis Coelorum (Jacob Handl)
- Benedicta Es, Caelorum Regina (Josquin des Pres)
- Memento Salutis Auctor (William Byrd)
- Quatre Petites Prières de Saint François d'Assise (Francis Poulenc)
- The Tabernacle of God is With Men (Edwin Fissinger)
- Death, Be Not Proud (Fenno Heath)
- Os Justi (Bruckner)
Program courtesy of the collection of Donald Loach.