Virginia Glee Club Wiki

The 1986 Concert of Early Music of the Virginia Glee Club was held April 5, 1986 in the University of Virginia Chapel. Conducted by Donald Loach and featuring the Schola Cantorum, the concert was part of the Glee Club 1985-1986 season.

A recording of this concert is available at the University of Virginia Library.


Two Madrigals and a Ballet[]

1. "Come lovers follow me" (Thomas Morley (ca. 1557-1623))

2. "April is in my mistress' face" (Morley)

3. "Lady those cherries plenty" (Morley)

Two Motets[]

4. "Gaude Virgo, mater Christi" (Josquin Desprez (ca. 1440-1521))

5. "Ave verum corpus natum" (William Byrd (1543-1623))

The Lamentations of Jeremiah (Thomas Tallis (ca. 1505-1585))[]

6. "Incipit lamentatio Ieremiae prophetae"

7.  "Aleph: Quomodo sedet"

8.  "Beth: Plorans ploravit"

9. "De lamentatione Ieremiae prophetae"

10.  "Ghimel: Migravit Iuda"

11.  "Daleth: Omnes persecutores"

12.  "Heth: Facti sunt hostes"


Program courtesy of the collection of Donald Loach.
