Virginia Glee Club Wiki

The 1983 Walpurgisnacht Concert (a Goethe Celebration) of the Virginia Glee Club was held March 26, 1983. The concert, conducted by Donald Loach as part of the Glee Club 1983-1984 season, featured a guest appearance by the Mount Holyoke Glee Club, Cathy Melhorn conducting.

A recording of this concert is available at the University of Virginia Library.


  • Sehnsucht / Franz Schubert
  • Gesang der Geister über den Wassern, op. 167 / Franz Schubert (Christopher Rossbach, pianist)
  • Göttlicher Morpheus ; Grausam erweiset sich Amor an mir! / Johannes Brahms
  • An Irish lamentation / David Cooper (Mary Fetherston, pianist)
  • Auf dem See, op. 41, no. 6 ; Die Nachtigall, op. 59, no. 4 ; Frühzeitiger Frühling, op. 59, no. 2 / Felix Mendelssohn-Bartoldy
  • Die erste Walpurgisnacht, op. 60 / Feliz Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Marcia St. Clair, contralto ; Peter Kazaras, tenor ; Joseph Penrod, baritone ; John Bratsch, bass ; Content Sablinsky, Yvaine Duisit, pianists)

