Glee Club, 1950 Corks and Curls
The 1949-1950 season of the Virginia Glee Club was directed by Stephen Tuttle. Performances included the 1949 Christmas Concert.[1] Officers were John C. Hall, Jr., president; Thomas Jefferson Smith, III, manager; and John Philip Talmage, librarian. Accompanists included Thomas Brierly, Jr. and George L. Jones, Jr.
- Christmas Concert (1949)
- Concert at Sweet Briar (1950)
- Spring Concert (1950) - with Mary Washington College Glee Club
- Concert at Mary Baldwin (1950)
The following roster is complete as of the 1950 Corks and Curls or the Christmas Concert (1949) and may not include all members who participated in the season.
Tenors: William H. Albrecht, Jr, Jack R. Brown, Robert A. Buckingham, Charles A. Chilton, Joseph H. Cochran, Jr., Robert L. Cooley, John G. Davis, William A. Forrest, Fred E. Garbee, John C. Hall, Jr., Howard O. Haverty, Kenneth A. Hedlund, Alfred B. Jarden, Frederick W. Johns, Jr., Paul Mooring Johnson,Edward C. Melton, Charles R. Sanford, Henry C. Schultz, Julien Shoemaker, Thomas Jefferson Smith III, Philip Hamilton Spencer, Sigmund Charles Stein, Harold J. Stroehman, E.F. Stubbe, John Philip Talmage, George B. Vest, Jr., John A. Warwick, Jr., James H. Whiting, Russell Alton Wright
Basses: Robert D. Albrecht, Ernest H. Alderman, Jr., Thomas M. Amsbron, Edwin P. Bailey, Thomas Burchett, Jr., Derwood S. Chase, Jr., Robert Clemons, Alan H. Crosby, Herbert A. Donovan, Jr., Barclay M. Dorset, John C. DuBois, Robert J. Field, Robert C. Forbes, Bruce Garden, William H. Giles, David W. Gurney, Winfield S. Harvin, Barry Hutchings, Charles L. Hyser, John R. Jackson, Owen H. Jander, Joseph C. Jerdee, Evans B. Jessee, Richard L. Johnson, Benjamin C. Lee, Arthur S. Lloyd, Joseph B. Loughran, Harrison L. McCoy, Marvin E. McCoy, William H. McLarin, Kenneth H. Okkerse, Graham L. Platt, William C. Plummer, Orland E. Pollock, Jr., Thomas B. Porter, James H. Powell, Paul M. Robbins, Lon E. Roberts, II, Edward Sidney Rogers, John Rybolt, Carlos E. Santago, Bruce Geoffrey Saville, William L. Sibley III, Fred T. Sickert, William C. Spence, Robert F. Stone, Luther Warren Strickler, Bruce A. Talmadge, Charles C. Tarkenton, Albert R. Tobe, Jr., Warren I. Titus, Frank G. Townes, Robert T. Tuttle, Samuel L. Walton, Jr., James S. Weaver, Berkley E. Williams, Edwin Laird Wilson, Jr., John D. Wyser, Jr., David S. Yates, Earle Zehmer
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