Virginia Glee Club Wiki

Glee Club, 1976 Corks and Curls

The 1975-1976 season of the Virginia Glee Club was conducted by Donald Loach. The season featured performances at Virginia Tech, the Kennedy Center, the Norfolk Symphony, at Mount Holyoke college, and with the Radcliffe Choral Society.[1] Officers included Kirk Cordell, president; William Thompson, vice-president; Patrick Hurst, librarian; Douglas Bennett, secretary; Kenneth Johnson, treasurer; and Douglass List, tour manager.




This roster is as of the Fall Concert (1975) and Spring Concert (1976) and may not include all members who participated in the season.

Tenor I: Nicholas CookeJames Dunton, Stephen Fischer, John Fornaro, Anthony Gal, Kerry Haber, James Hartigan, Jr., Brian Higgins, John Hoffacker, Douglas Lasky, Jeffrey Morrison, Christopher Nelson, William Piper, Peter Simmons, Darrell Simpson, Terence WilsonDennis Zakas

Tenor II: Douglas Bennett, Angus Hagins, Kenneth Johnson, Carroll Kinsey, Jr., Norris Lackore, Daniel McLearen, Kevin Meiser, Stanley Parchman, Steven Redding, John Torrence, John Yenchko

Baritone: James Ballowe, Mark Bateman, Scott Bayliss, Ben Beach, James Bennette, Kirk Cordell, Stephen Donahue, Wyatt Ewell, Christopher FaithPatrick Hurst, Craig Leiby, Christopher Loye, Steven Peterson, James Pope, Charles Romine, John Rouse, William Thompson

Basses: Gary Blunt, Peter Brehm, Michael ChecknoffRobert Ellis, David Ferretti, Kenneth Friedman, Robert Gehlmeyer, Gerard Geier, Barry Germany, Philip Hart, Charles Haskins, Jr., Thomas Hill, Kenneth Lawless, Douglass List, Daniel Listrom, Aubrey Mitchell, Blake MorantSteve Russell, James Richardson, Craig Stern, Dennis Tosh, Dave WallerJohn Wampler, Richard Zenith


  1. "1975-1976 Activities Include Northern Tour". University Glee Club Bulletin 5 (2). Spring 1977. 
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