Virginia Glee Club Wiki

Glee Club in concert, 2002 Corks and Curls

The 2001-2002 season of the Virginia Glee Club was directed by interim conductor Burke Morton. The season saw the membership roster top 55, and included three nearly sold-out Christmas concerts, a special performance of the Brahms Alto Rhapsody at Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church, a roll to New York City, and the recording of "A Season with the Virginia Glee Club." Officers included Thomas Deal, president; Willis Shawver, vice-president; Mike Galdo, publicity manager; Jared Q. Libet, business manager; and Tristan van Tine, secretary.

During the season the group conducted a search for a permanent conductor. The board of directors unanimously recommended Michael Slon, the recently hired conductor of the University Singers, to become the group's next conductor, and he was hired at the end of the season.



This roster is as of the Christmas Concert (2001) and the Homecoming Concert (2002), and may not include all participants in the season.

Tenor I: Matt Amodio, Aaron Bartley, Mike Del Bueno, Andrew Garibaldi, Michael Gifford, Andrew Keller, Tad KnierKarl Lugo, Winston Noel, Jay Robertson, Willis Shawver, David Simpson

Tenor II: Sean Carlton, Olen Crane, Thomas Deal, Adam Hatcher, Ben Israel, Chris Johnson, Stephen Liang, Jared Q. Libet, Yong-Bee Lim, Andrew Lockhart, Jaime Vasquez, Derek Woodley

Baritone: Jonathan Duey, Matt Floyd, Mike Galdo, Elliott Garber, Chris Gercke, Matt Heim, David Lattimore, John McMahon, Lewis McNeel, Walker Muncy, Justin F. Rousseau, Mitch Seipt, David Sibert, Benjamin A. Sutphen, Tommy Sweets, Tristan van Tine, Colin Whitlow

Bass: Andrew Burdick, Ryan Conley, Kevin Ross Davis, Andrew Goldman, Benjamin Grosz, Ben Hassan, Jack Higgins, Robert Martinson, Neil Nagraj, Patrick O'Kelly, Phillipp Risseeuw, Phil Risseeuw, Will VanHook, Matt Wells, Seth Wispelwey, Thomas Yang


Previous season Decade Next season
2000-2001 Glee Club of the 2000s 2002-2003