Virginia Glee Club Wiki

The "Virginia Yell Song" is a football song of the University of Virginia, written by Linwood Lehman. The song has been recorded several times in the history of the Glee Club, including on Songs of the University of Virginia (its earliest appearance in a Glee Club recording or concert), A Shadow's on the Sundial, Virginia Glee Club Live!, and Songs of Virginia.

Several arrangements of the "Virginia Yell Song" exist, including one for piano four hands accompaniment by Frederic H. Ford.


Down the field our team is dashing--fight, Virginia, fight!
Carolina'll get a smashing right
We are out for blood today so yell, boys, yell!
(--Will we get it? --I should say so!) Yell like hell!
We are out today for victory, and we will cheer the University
All together boys give a cheer for victory is here!
Let's give a yell, boys, and we'll yell Wah-hoo-wah
And raise our voices loud and roar!
All together boys, give a wah-hoo-wah
For Virginia's got the game once more!