Virginia Glee Club Wiki
William noland berkeley jr

William Noland Berkeley, Jr., 1936 Corks and Curls

William Noland Berkeley, Jr. (October 5, 1913 – August 26, 1944),[1][2] of Yonkers, New York, was a member of the Virginia Glee Club during the Glee Club 1935-1936 season. Completing his undergraduate degree in 1936, he was on the first year cross-country and track teams, and also on the varsity track team.[3]

He fought in the United States Army as a first lieutenant in World War II, landing in France six weeks after D-Day. He was reported missing in action on August 26, 1944, and ultimately it was reported he had been killed in action in an ambush.[1] He was awarded the Purple Heart.[4] Interred at first in Epiney, France, his remains were moved to Charlottesville with his family.[5][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "All the Hoos in Hooville: 175 Years of Life at the University of Virginia". University of Virginia Library. 2014-08-03. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 "William N Berkeley Jr.". Find-A-Grave. Retrieved 2014-08-03. 
  3. Corks and Curls. 1936. p. 81. 
  4. "William N. Berkeley Jr.". WWI, WWII, and Korean War Casualty Listings ( Retrieved 2014-08-03. 
  5. "1Lt William N J Berkeley". Find-A-Grave. Retrieved 2014-08-03. 